ACK3D.ZIP 1,017,803 08-28-93 ACK-3D Animation Construction Kit 3D w/demoand source codes
ALCKEY.ZIP 10,739 01-10-94 MS C source code sample, Win Pen Computing
AN311X.ZIP 81,647 10-15-93 Jan 1994 Appnotes Source Code File
ANIMTE.ZIP 163,119 10-01-93 ANIMATION KIT V1.0B The Animation Kitcontains robust samples for animatingbitmaps, text, and cursors taken from thepopular game Jewel Thief (on CD asJWLTHF.ZIP). Complete with help file.Distribute royalty free. Req.
AST40DOS.ZIP 375,062 01-18-94 Source code for Walter Pullen's ASTROLOG4Requires a 'C' compiler. Includes Update 4.0and History file.
AUTOSCRN.ZIP 232,409 01-01-94 AUTOSCREEN v2.01; Portable ANSI C Userinterface Library. Provides: windows; menusscroll-bars; list-boxes; switches; check-boxes; buttons; dialogues; international datsupport; multiple process threads; numericexpres
BCPORT.ZIP 33,774 12-20-93 Porting Tool Ports to WIN32 from Win 3.1
BLTC13A.ZIP 150,294 07-22-93 BULLET for C v1.03: Super fast, super smallB-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,multi-user database toolkit for DOS Ccompilers. Also available for BASIC.
BOOTSEC.ZIP 13,339 12-30-93 MS C source sample diskply boot sector,Windows.
C-LESSON.ZIP 45,764 11-22-93 Contains a complete course for you to learnthe 'C' computer language
C2CPP.ZIP 7,237 12-12-93 Auto Convert C code to object oriented C++
CENVID.ZIP 202,023 12-27-93 CENVI FOR DOS v1.008; C-interpreterbatch-enhancer/macro tool. CEnvi gives theDOS professional a complete C-likeenvironment, including the standard libraryand interrupt calls, in an easy-to- use formand all in one 1
CENVIW.ZIP 205,922 12-27-93 CENVI FOR WINDOWS v1.008; C-interpreterWindows-batch/macro tool- CEnvi gives theWindows professional a complete C-likeenvironment, including the standard libraryand DLL calls, in an easy-to-use form and alin one 150
CEXTRACT.ZIP 71,717 08-08-93 Cextract v.1.7 is ideal for generating headefiles for large multi-file C programs;cextract also functions as a rudimentarydocumentation extractor, generating a sortedlist of all functions and their locations.FREEWAR
CISAM100.ZIP 253,580 05-19-93 ISAM Manager v 1.00. Database ProgrammingSystem for C++. Full B+Tree/ISAM databasesystem which is really easy to use. Very fassingle-user system! Multiple indexes perfile, multiple fields per index. Up to 2billion r
CL121.ZIP 51,085 08-19-93 CODELISTER v1.21; Progam used to print Csource code with statistics giving the numbeof lines of code and a Table of Contents offunction names and the page in the listingwhere the function can be found. CodeListercan
CLT162.ZIP 175,424 10-19-93 CLint v1.62: tool which reads the sourcefiles of your C programs, & generates reportabout possible problems.
CPORT20.ZIP 84,265 04-09-93 Cport v2.0; Serial Communications Library fo
CSCOP.ZIP 48,582 10-31-93 C-SCOPE 1.11; c-scope completely analyzes thfunctions in a multi-file C program. c-scopeproduces reports showing which file eachfunction is defined in and its starting linenumber in the file; the functions defined in
CWEB31.ZIP 202,750 02-25-94 CWEB system for literate programming in C.Version 3.1 supports ANSI function call andprototype conventions, and reportedly C++.
CW_SRC.ZIP 55,282 12-11-93 Cyrillic font Kit source code.
CXREF3A.ZIP 68,214 11-08-93 C XREF v3.0a <ASP> - cross-referencesany number of C modules and outputs:o A list of their global variables andconstants.o A summary listing of the functions.o A verbose list of the functions.o A tree of the fu
CXT212.ZIP 284,200 07-03-93 CXT exploration tools v2.12 - CFT (C FunctioTree Generator) and CST (C Structure TreeGenerator) and their 32bit protected modeversions CFT386 and CST386 are powerfulprogram development, maintenance anddocumentation
C_HINTS.ZIP 48,018 03-05-94 Hints (w/source) on using DataBoss for C
DATECLS.ZIP 26,119 09-20-93 Killer Date Class v4.7; Full-function dateclass, including a full set of overloadedoperators for addition, subtraction andcomparison of date objects; an overloadedoperator with a variety of print formats andoptions,
DLGDSN41.ZIP 199,271 01-11-94 Dialog Design v4.1, Your Dialogbox designprogram for Borland's Turbo Vision.
EMS4C10.ZIP 43,120 08-07-93 EMS Library v1.0 For the C Language
EMSIF24.ZIP 67,059 06-27-93 EMSIF v2.4; Version-independent C Interfaceto LIM EMS Functions for LIM EMS versions 3.and higher
EXEC33A.ZIP 96,224 07-05-93 An EXEC function with memory swap v3.3A.Contains the sources for an 'EXEC' functionthat allows calling external pgms, whileoptionally swapping out the memory image toEMS, XMS, or file. compatible w/Turbo C,Borland C
EXTDEV.ZIP 14,290 12-28-93 MS C source code sample, load/save/edit txtfiles. Windows.
FONT_CMP.ZIP 2,165 10-25-93 A Small 'C' Function To Print CompressedCharacters In 320x200x256 Vga Mode (Only)Instead Of The Clunky Default Font. Fast.
FPCLIB36.ZIP 236,302 03-25-93 FlashPac C Library V3.61; Direct Videofunctions for fast screen I/O. Includes biosvideo for ega & vga. BIOS Mouse supportincludes interrupt handler for queuing mouseevents. BIOS, DOS keyboard, and general DOSsupport
GCP_23.ZIP 954,583 11-19-93 GCP++ Evaluation Edition of the GCP++ TCP/IPSDK for Windows (C/C++, Visual Basic, orProfessional Editions). This EvaluationEdition includes the complete GCP++ TCP/IPSDK for Windows, sans development license anWindow
GNUZIP.ZIP 240,432 03-28-93 GZIP v1.0.3; compression utility designed tobe a replacement over compressalgorithms. The GNU Project
uses it as the
GSRC208A.ZIP 289,928 08-26-93 'C' source code for GEPASI 2.0, release 2.02GEPASI - a simulator of metabolic pathwaysand other dynamical systems
GUI100.ZIP 32,413 10-16-93 GUI Handler version 1.00! Requires knowledgeof Borland C++/C programming. Make GUI'sfaster than before! Draw buttons, windows,and more! Very Flexible and easy to use!
ISAM101A.ZIP 274,641 08-27-93 ISAM Manager v1.01; Database ProgrammingSystem for C++. Full B+Tree/ISAM databasesystem which is really easy to use. Very fassingle-user system! Multiple indexes perfile, multiple fields per index. Up to 2billion re
ISC366.ZIP 150,082 09-01-93 ISC v3.66; Interrupt Service Class hookinginterrupts into C++ objects made easy
ISM101.ZIP 290,637 07-27-93 ISAM Manager v1.01; Database ProgrammingSystem for C++. Full B+Tree/ISAM databasesystem which is really easy to use. Very fassingle-user system! Multiple indexes perfile, multiple fields per index. Up to 2billion re
IXE130.ZIP 132,592 05-10-93 Icon/sprite Precompiler For 256 Color Vga 16Or 32-Bit Code For Either Planar OrNon-planar Graphics Modes. .Ixe Sprites BlitAn Average Of 300%-400% Faster Then The BestAssembly Blitters. Includes Ixeshow ForViewing V
KAFSRT20.ZIP 112,090 06-14-93 KAFS 2.0 is a complete file system and sortpackage for C programmers. Includes sourcecode, instructions, specifications, andassociated utilities-- everything needed towrite utility and application software usingthis
KFS20.ZIP 41,090 02-16-94 KEYED FILE SYSTEM (DOS) v2.0; C subroutinesfor keyed file support- A set of powerful,easy to use, subroutines that allow theMicrosoft C (version 6 or 7) programmer tocreate and use files having alphabetic ornumeric
KFSOS220.ZIP 39,896 02-16-94 KEYED FILE SYSTEM (OS/2) v2.0; Subroutinesfor keyed file support (OS/2)- A set ofpowerful, easy to use, subroutines to allowthe OS/2 programmer to create and use fileshaving alphabetic or numeric keys. Theseroutines
MCLBK100.ZIP 15,657 09-06-93 This is a class which allows your C++ Windowapplications to use member functions ascallback functions.
MCOMM557.ZIP 157,854 09-11-93 Asynchrouous serial communications functionsfor Microsoft, Turbo, or Zortech Cprogrammers. Features Support for 16550UART's FIFO mode of operation; Fullyinterrupt driven; Baud rates up to 115,200baud; User defined
MODEM2.ZIP 5,962 10-11-93 This program is the simplest of simple seriacommunications apps. Written under TC++3.0/win and should work under any Borlandwindows compiler in windows 3.1.
MODEX104.ZIP 226,098 10-26-93 MODE X v1.04; library of high performanceassembler routines for setting, accessing,and manipulating the Undocumented 256 ColorModes available in all VGA adaptors.
MODIFIED.ZIP 19,858 03-26-93 ASM listing of how to create a MOD player.Real fast routines so have fun, demo makers.
MPEGENC.ZIP 438,685 02-16-94 PPM tools for 32 bit OS/2; C Source Code
MPEGPLAY.ZIP 180,232 02-16-94 MPEG player for 32 bit OS/2: C Source Code
MS.ZIP 266,359 06-22-93 Programming Object Oriented Arcade Games InTurbo C Interactive book
MTL100JE.ZIP 63,781 05-06-93 Class DOSThread: a base class formultithreaded DOS programs.
OWLGEN.ZIP 187,957 09-20-93 The OWLGEN code generator generates templateC++ code for a Borland C++ OWL windowsapplication from windows resource files. Itis a drop-file client (i.e. you drag a filefrom a drop-file server, like File Manager,and
P2C12GNU.ZIP 397,827 08-15-93 GNU p2c pascal to C translator, recognizesmany pascal dialects. C source code, V.1.20
PCL4C40.ZIP 83,710 10-28-93 Personal Communications Library for C; Asynccomm.lib supporting COM1-COM10 to 115200baud, 4 ports concurrently, all memorymodels, DigiBoard PC/8, INS16550, interruptdriven, RTS/CTS flow control. Supports Turbo& Borl
PCL4W10.ZIP 77,781 02-21-94 Personal Comm Library for Windows v1.0;Asynch comm. lib supporting COM1-COM10 to115200 baud, 4 ports concurrently, allmemory models, DigiBoard PC/8, INS16550interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow controlRequi
PCSHEL23.ZIP 97,661 01-01-94 Power C Shell-IDE for Power C Compiler;Provides an integrated development environ-ment for Power C by Mix Software. Pull- dowmenus, help, project management, more.
RIE103.ZIP 135,993 07-22-93 Rimrock Icon Editor v1.03 for TCXL. Createscustom EGA/VGA icons in 'C' form for use witthe TCXL program interface libraries.
SBF3.ZIP 79,617 09-20-93 C and ASM source examples on programming theSound Blaster/Pro cards version
SBLIB10.ZIP 21,152 09-11-93 SBLIB - Routines for playing .VOC files onSound Blaster from C programs. Freeware.
SMB_100.ZIP 181,074 01-20-94 Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.00Designed for high volume, high speed,multi-network, multimedia e-mail storage andretrieval. Attention Developers: Includes 77page technical specification, 31 functionroyalt
SPHERES.ZIP 17,476 10-21-93 Modified to enable the screen saver to workwith NDW's Sleeper program.
SVGACC20.ZIP 215,264 03-11-94 SVGACC.LIB v2.0; High-res, 256-color graphiclibrary for MS & Borland C/C++. It recognize20 different SVGA cards, allows programmingin 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768256-color modes. Capabilities: hardware id;
TDE31.ZIP 359,803 09-15-93 PUBLIC DOMAIN text editor <excellent> with Csource code...
TGE130.ZIP 183,724 01-13-94 The Graphics Engine 1.30 - TGE is a very fasVGA/SVGA graphics library for C/C++programmers. TGE has such features as apowerful library of graphical and mouseinterface functions, device-independence,support for load
UNARJNT.ZIP 48,961 07-28-93 UNARJ v2.41; Contains original release fromthe author with ARJ security envelope. UNARJexecutable for MS-DOS, user manual and Csource code for DOS, Windows, Win-NT Apps.
VCSLID.ZIP 157,381 09-03-93 Slider Custom Control DLL (demo version)Like A Stereo Slider.
WIZTOO.ZIP 66,921 09-23-93 Object Coupling Wizards - are helpful indesigning and implementing loosely coupledC++ objects. The wizards (BCWIZ, ROSWIZ,REGWIZ) are 3 code generators that createcentral objects for coupling clients,servers, produc
WPFLD18.ZIP 38,808 12-28-93 A replacement WPS class for WPFolder
WUNZ20SR.ZIP 173,096 10-01-93 Infozip Unzip For Windows - Source (Freeware
WXWIN140.ZIP 824,519 04-19-93 wxWindows v1.40; Free C++ GUI toolkit forMotif, Open Look and Windows 3.1! wxWindowis a toolkit for developing Windows 3 andapplications from the same body of C++ code.Use PKUNZIP -d option (stored directories)
XLIB20.ZIP 58,443 10-18-93 XLIB v2.0; ASM/C Language (DOS ExtenderLibrary)
XREF31.ZIP 72,028 12-28-93 XREF v3.1 (formally C xref); cross-referenceany number of C modules and outputs: 1) Alist of their global variables and constants2) A summary listing of the functions. 3) Averbose list of the functions. 4) A tree of